This past Saturday, Dismas Ministry enjoyed having a table at the 2013 Men of Christ Conference in Milwaukee.

“Hello Men of Christ!”
“Men of Christ is a group of Catholic lay men, from all walks of life, that have come together to make a difference in this world… and that difference, we believe, begins with faith filled men. Our vision is to create a conference that will evangelize, catechize, and unify Catholic men. The mission is to honor our Lord Jesus Christ by bringing Christian men together; forming a brotherhood that will empower each man to boldly live his Catholic faith.”
The Conference offered a morning and evening Mass (Evening Mass was led by Dismas Ministry Board Member, Auxiliary Bishop Donald J. Hying) and inspirational speakers including Joe Lombardi. Read more about the 2013 Conference here>
For Dismas Ministry, the conference was an opportunity to share our work with many Catholics who haven’t interacted with us before. Ally, Dismas Ministry’s Assistant Director worked our table from 8 am to 5 pm, asking if people had heard of our ministry before. The majority of people learned about Dismas Ministry for the first time. They left with knowledge of our services, as well as easy ideas on how to get involved like joining our union of prayer. It was a great day of interacting with others and generating interest in our ministry!

Our Dismas Ministry table set up for the conference.

Men at the Conference join Ally for Lunch at Dismas Ministry Table.