Our Mission

The mission of Dismas Ministry is to provide prisoners with the free Catholic scripture, faith and prayer resources they need to restore their relationship with the Catholic church and with God. We provide these free resources in the spirit of Christ’s gospel, What you have received freely, give freely” ~ Matthew 10:8.

Despite where they are, prisoners are still members of Christ’s Body and should not be forgotten. As one prisoner shared, “We are not animals.” Many will use their time behind bars to reassess their lives and, with God’s help, make amends for the way that they have victimized others. As fellow Catholics, we strive to support their spiritual rehabilitation.

This spiritual approach goes to the very heart of the matter – the need for God in the lives of all who have been affected by crime. In the end, the only true healing is spiritual, as God transforms suffering into victory as He did for Jesus in His death and resurrection.

Our mission includes all who suffer the effects of crime: victims and their loved ones, as well as prisoners, those released from prison, and the entire community.

Our Name

Dismas Ministry is named after Saint Dismas, one of the people executed with Jesus on Calvary.

In that final hour, Saint Dismas, also called the good thief, took stock of his life and turned to Jesus for mercy and said:

“Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom” ~ Luke 23:42.

In the way so typical of his ministry, Jesus turned to him and said:

“This day you will be with me in paradise” ~ Luke 23:43.


Our Focus

Dismas Ministry focuses primarily on a spiritual approach with prisoners who want to understand and strengthen their relationship with God. As one of them wrote,

“Prisoners need God and the love of Jesus and Mary as much or even more than the population as a whole.”

We also take to heart the challenge of Jesus in his parable of the last judgment when he identified with the imprisoned,

“I was in prison and you visited me” ~ Matthew 25:36.

Dismas Ministry is proud to distribute its resources in all 50 states.