Did You Know The Importance That “Prison” Plays In The Bible?

Did you know that “prison” and the “idea of prison” plays a significant role in the Bible? In both the Old Testament to the New Testament.

In the Old Testament, imprisonment is mentioned often as a common form of punishment for various crimes. In the New Testament, imprisonment was often used to silence those who preached the Gospel. Despite the potential negative connotations surrounding prison, the Bible shows us how prison can also be a place of transformation, redemption, and spiritual growth.

Paul and Silas in prison,

The story of Joseph in the Old Testament is an excellent example of how imprisonment can be a transformative experience. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and later imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. Despite this injustice, Joseph maintained his faith and devotion to God. In prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of his fellow prisoners and eventually rose to a position of power in Egypt. His time in prison was a period of growth and learning that ultimately led to his success and prosperity.

In the New Testament, the story of Paul and Silas in prison highlights how even in the darkest of circumstances, faith and prayer can bring about miracles. Paul and Silas were imprisoned for preaching the Gospel, and while in jail, they sang hymns and prayed. Their faith was rewarded with an earthquake that opened the prison doors and freed them from their chains. Their imprisonment became a catalyst for spreading the Gospel to the jailer and his family, leading to the founding of the church in Philippi.

Daniel in the lion’s den

Imprisonment is not only a place of transformation and redemption for individuals but also a way for God to work in the world. In the book of Daniel, God worked through the imprisonment of Daniel to bring about miraculous events that resulted in the King of Babylon praising God. Similarly, in the book of Acts, God worked through the imprisonment of Paul to spread the Gospel message to various parts of the Roman Empire.

The Bible shows us that imprisonment is not solely a place of punishment but can be a place of transformation, redemption, and spiritual growth. The stories of Joseph, Paul, Silas, Daniel, and others demonstrate that even in the darkest of circumstances, faith and devotion to God can bring about miraculous events and lead to personal growth and transformation.




Written by Kate Nava, Vice President, Dismas Ministry Board of Directors 

Kate Nava, Vice President, Dismas Ministry Board of Directors

I’m Mary Kate Nava, Dismas Board Member. I’m recently connected with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Laredo, Texas, where Bishop James A. Tamayo’s team directed our collaboration with Deacon and Prison Minister Enrique Peñuñuri.

I accompanied Deacon Enrique who routinely delivers God’s Word in lecture and prayer sessions for incarcerated men and women across Laredo, the third largest city on the US-Mexico border.

Deacon Enrique and Kate Nava in front of La Salle Regional Center for Women

With appropriate clearances in place, we visited groups of inmates at La Salle County Regional Detention Center in Encinal, Texas, and the Webb County Detention Center in Laredo.

I reminded my unsettled self of Paul Claudel’s insight: “Lent is meant to be the springtime of our hearts. The season when snow melts, sap runs, and new life springs up from the barren ground.”

Our first stop was the La Salle Regional Center for women. After passing security, we were escorted to an empty multi-purpose room where a simple preparation took place. We arranged chairs in rows at the appropriate separation distances, and at the front of the room, a folding table with a white cloth and simple crucifix was centered. Women inmates of all ages were escorted into the now-less-stark, cinderblock room.  A deafening slam of the steel door locked us together with an astute guard and with God, which suddenly warmed the space with holiness.

Deacon Enrique opened with a blessing, and his words paralleled Psalm 19. He reminded the women that the Word of God is directed to each one of them as His daughters. Pointing at the cinderblock wall, he suggested each block is akin to life and the stages therein. One block is birth, then youth, perhaps marriage and the blessing of children, work or profession, friendships, family, and freedom. “And one block, is this place,” he suggested. “God has directed you to use this time you’ve been assigned to come closer to Him. Take and embrace without distraction the possibilities and realities of His goodness from this temporary time. Do this in lieu of counting the days. Participate in God’s way and receive His generous gifts and virtues.”

In closing, we prayed the words our Savior gave us: the Lord’s Prayer. My right hand automatically rose to hold that of my neighboring seatmate. The guard, following policy, shook her head toward me, indicating No.

Time was up; the women arose and seamlessly fell into queue. Many had a lovely glow, and others appeared calm or contrite. Clearly, “New life springs up from the barren ground.”

Webb County Detention Center in Laredo

Our second visit took a similar format with male inmates at the Webb County Detention Center in Laredo. (This unit is operated by CoreCivic, a processing center for Immigration ICE.) The men arrived with actual eagerness. Deacon Enrique urged the men to become followers of God during this time. He strongly discouraged “labeling” any fellow inmate as an enemy, and to erase and abandon the “eye for an eye…tooth for a tooth” approach. “If a fellow is angry or aggressive toward you or others, instead of watching TV, or napping, invest your time in taking interest in him.” He gave some examples, starting with “you seem very sad or mad. What’s going on? We have plenty of time to talk about what you’re feeling or going through.” Other approaches to the most aggressive can start with: “Matthew, how did you get to be so great at basketball? Draw out your brothers. Assure them that God knows each of them. Have no enemies nor fall to the level of labeling your brothers. In becoming amigos, in this scenario, one truly becomes a genuine Disciple of Christ.”

Once more, we wrapped up with a prayer and the prisoners in their bright orange uniforms fell into queue. This time I observed the majority had smiles and even a little more “spring” in their steps.

This Lenten Season, new life indeed is springing up from barren ground.

Kate Nava is a Dismas Ministry board member based near Dallas, Texas. Born and raised in Philadelphia, she holds a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Oregon and a master’s in business administration from Notre Dame de Namur University in California. Kate’s career path included work in the airline industry and higher education. A devout Catholic, Kate lives her faith through loving service to family, friends, and neighbors in need in her community.


Did you know that numerous Catholic Saints were imprisoned at some point in their lives? Many were imprisoned for their faith and endured persecution, suffering, and death for their beliefs. During their imprisonment, they remained steadfast in their faith and love for God.

Father Maximilian Kolbe

In this blog post, we will look at some of the Catholic Saints who were in prison and how their lives can be an example that can inspire us during the season of Lent.

St. Maximilian Kolbe is one of the most well-known Catholic Saints who was imprisoned for his faith. He was arrested by the Nazis during World War II and was eventually sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. There, he offered to take the place of another prisoner who was chosen to be executed. Maximilian Kolbe died in the gas chambers, but his selflessness and love for others continue to inspire people to this day. We can learn from his example of self-sacrifice and love for others, as he gave his life so that another might live.

St. Paul the Apostle

St. Paul the Apostle was also imprisoned for his faith multiple times throughout his life. Despite the persecution and suffering he endured, he remained steadfast in his faith and continued to preach the Gospel message to others. St. Paul’s example of perseverance and faith, as he endured imprisonment and persecution for the sake of the Gospel, teaches us about standing firm in our Christian faith during times of suffering and distress.

St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More was an English lawyer and statesman who served as Lord Chancellor under King Henry VIII. He was imprisoned and eventually executed for refusing to acknowledge the king’s supremacy over the Church.

Saint Edith Stein

St. Edith Stein was a German-Jewish philosopher who converted to Catholicism and became a nun. She was arrested by the Nazis during World War II and was eventually sent to Auschwitz concentration camp, where she died in the gas chambers. St. Edith Stein showed great courage and faith, as she remained steadfast in her beliefs even in the face of great suffering and persecution.

St. Joseph Cafasso

St. Joseph Cafasso was an Italian priest who ministered to prisoners and those condemned to death. He spent much of his life working in prisons and was known for his compassion and dedication to the spiritual needs of prisoners. St. Joseph’s life is an excellent example of service and love for those who are marginalized or imprisoned.

Catholic Saints who were imprisoned for their faith endured great suffering and persecution, but they also remained steadfast in their faith and love for God. During the season of Lent, we can learn from their example of self-sacrifice, perseverance, courage, and love for others. May their lives inspire us to grow closer to God and to live our lives with greater love, compassion, and dedication to the Gospel message.






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